Announcing: Our Membership Page

Hi there!

You’re hearing from us a bit more this month, and its because we want to catch you up on all the cool things we did this year.

More of the year’s reflections will make it to your inboxes, but there was something we thought needed extra space. We’re often asked who our members are and if they’re on our website somewhere. These are…good questions! We appreciated the nudge. After some research, care, and hard work, we’ve launched our first ever public membership directory.

Members were able to opt-in to the directory, and now anyone who visits our website will be able to put many faces to the work we do. To our members, thank you! It’s an honor we get to uplift your work with us publicly. Please note not all members are on the membership page since it was an opt-in/out process.

You’ll notice our community spans across experience levels, platform experience, and walks of life. While everyone who holds membership has worked at a social platform, members’ professional identities range from academics, designers, policy makers, entrepreneurs, and consultants.

Below is a sample of what our membership directory looks like, but you should really check out the full thing.

Over 120 members are on here! To give you a sense of the breadth of expertise we nurture, we’re pulling out a few bios from the directory here.

  • Arjun Bisen is a cofounder of Overwatch Data, an open-source intelligence platform that uses the most intelligent AI systems to comb through news, social media, fringe media, and the deep web for threats.

    • Alice Goguen Hunsberger & Talha Baig are the cohosts of our in-house podcast Trust in Tech. Alice is an integrity leader in the dating app space and Talha is one of the entrepreneurs behind the Y Combinator startup Sero AI. New episodes of the pod coming soon. :)

    • Caroline Sinders is a UX researcher, designer, and artist. They hosted a public panel on deceptive patterns earlier this year.

    • Grady Ward, a software engineer with a background in counter-abuse and privacy implementation, is in the final stages of his project Focus on Features. The project focuses on design harms, and was created as a part of his Visiting Fellowship.

    • Nathalia Watkins is a recovering international journalist turned Trust and Safety expert with nearly two decades of experience at the intersection of tech and media. She has held roles at TikTok and ActiveFence.

    • Soribel Feliz is an advisor in emerging AI and responsible tech. She moderated our virtual member panel on Biden’s Executive Order. And she encouraged us to start a member AI working group which has been running weekly since. ICYMI, the recording of the panel lives on our Youtube channel.

    • Swapneel Mehta is a Data Science Ph.D. candidate at NYU working at the Center for Social Media and Politics. His research deals with methods to limit online disinformation on social networks using techniques from machine learning and causal inference.

    • Tracy Chou is an engineer and the entrepreneur behind Block Party, which built tools for online safety and anti-harassment.

    • Yannick Fokou has led various Global Efficiency working groups and has held key integrity roles roles at Meta.

    Meet all of our members here. Tell us if you see familiar faces.

    Note, membership is continuously growing and we accept applications on a rolling basis. If you’re curious about membership, check out our application and FAQ page.

    More soon. Please reply to this email with your thoughts, or forward it to someone who should know about us.

    Thanks for reading.


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