Integrity Best Practices

These documents are a collection of resources for platforms to use to build better integrity processes for their product and users, and for others to understand best practices and concepts in integrity work. Jointly produced by Integrity Institute members and staff, these documents reflect the consensus of the integrity field.

  • Prevention by Design: A Roadmap for Tackling TFGBV at the Source

    While existing solutions to tech-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV)—such as content moderation—address harm reactively, they place the burden of safety on victims. We partnered with the Council on Technology & Social Cohesion to advocate for a proactive, design-focused approach that embeds safety and user empowerment into social media platform design.

  • Global Transparency Audit

    We’ve developed a comprehensive evaluation of the current state of platform transparency, including an analysis of reports submitted by platforms under the Digital Services Act (DSA). This report highlights how to strengthen global transparency efforts to achieve more meaningful transparency.

  • Risk Assessment Guidance and Initial Analysis

    An overview of the Integrity Institute’s risk assessment methodology, providing a structured approach for regulators to more comprehensively assess platform risks.

  • Risk Dimensions and Mitigation Effectiveness

    A recommendation on how assessing the scale, cause, and nature of risks enables platforms to justify and implement more effective mitigation measures.

  • On Risk Assessment and Mitigation for Algorithmic Systems

    Our report defines what risk assessments, audits, and mitigation plans should include to cover algorithmic systems used by online platforms.

  • Build In Integrity: Best Practices for Start Ups and Early Stage Companies

    No social media app wants to become known as a center for awful content. The reality is bad behavior and bad actors are inevitable on social media platforms. This resource provides companies facing these challenges guidance on how to address them early, build in integrity systems from the start, and get to a healthy platform growth cycle, which sets the company up for long-term success.

  • Defining and Achieving Success in Elections Integrity

    Elections matter, and history has demonstrated online platforms will find themselves grappling with these challenges whether they want to be or not. This guide provides companies – large or small, established or new-on-the-block – concrete details as they fully implement an elections integrity program.

  • Shining a Light on Platform Transparency Best Practices

    As a wave of new regulations and legislative proposals around transparency from social media platforms are being written all over the world, the Integrity Institute is releasing a new resource to provide a high-level overview of what platform transparency could look like and what it could accomplish.

  • Responsibly Supporting Elections on Online Platforms

    With a wave of 65 elections across 54 countries coming in 2024, including a US presidential election, the Integrity Institute is releasing a new guide – the first in a planned series – on best practices for online companies to help better support healthy elections across platforms, particularly those who are newer or smaller.

  • Ranking and Design Transparency

    In this presentation, we help you understand how the platforms are designed and how their ranking algorithms work.

  • Metrics and Transparency

    Here we’ll help you understand the scale and cause of harms occurring on social media platforms.

  • Child Safety Online

    Integrity Institute delineates the best practices we advocate for Child Safety across all digital platforms.

  • Analyses of Facebook's Widely Viewed Content Reports

    We are independently analyzing all of the Facebook’s Widely Viewed Content Reports (WVCR) and keeping track of various data and statistics.

  • Non-Engagement Signals in Content Ranking

    Developed in cooperation with Pinterest and UC Berkeley, we share how to use non-engagement signals for content ranking in social platforms.

  • Building Integrity into AI Systems

    Think social media is bad? AI could make it worse. The good news: we can fix both. AI’s rise closely mirrors the rise of social media platforms in the early 2000s. In fact, many of the challenges to developing and adopting “safe” AI are the same challenges integrity workers have faced for years as they have built and operated social media platforms.

  • Resident Fellow: Tom Cunningham

    Tom Cunningham worked as economist and data scientist at Facebook and Twitter, working on content moderation and company strategy. As Resident Fellow since June 2023, Tom will conduct various original research projects on social platforms and social media.

Select Briefings

As a think-tank service, Integrity Institute fellows, members, and staff routinely brief policymakers, academics, journalists, and companies on integrity issues. Below are some of these briefing materials that could be made public.

If you and your organization are interested in made-to-order briefings, let’s talk!

  • Meaningful Platform Transparency to Inform Society & Prepare for Upcoming Regulations

    Institute co-founder Jeff Allen presented at TrustCon in July 2023.

  • Feed Ranking and Social Harms

    Institute founding fellow Naomi Shiffman presented at the George Washington University in October 2022.

  • Ranked Feeds and the Harms They Pose

    Institute co-founder Sahar Massachi delivered the keynote at the Institute for Strategic Dialogue in July 2022.

  • Sculpting the Future of Social Media through Incentives and Regulation

    Institute co-founder Jeff Allen delivered the keynote at the EU Radicalisation Awareness Network in June 2022.

  • Social Media and the Spread of Harmful Content

    Institute co-founder Jeff Allen presented to physicians at the Oakland Department of Psychiatry in June 2022.