Presenting: A New Podcast Pilot. ALSO: *Gestures Around*

This originally ran as a mass email to our list via Mailchimp. You can sign up for those emails at the bottom of the page.

It’s happening.

A little while ago, you might remember that we had our one-year anniversary. It was a great day — two different internal events run by members, and then we all had little parties across the land, hanging out and meeting each other. Here’s another thing that came out of that day — some members decided that they wanted to make a podcast. 🎉

From the start of Integrity Institute, I had a really clear mantra: we are building a stage for integrity workers to stand on. And now a great new act has walked on stage.

Alice Hunsberger convinced a few other members to make it happen, they ran with it, and we’ve been cheerleading them on.

I present to you: Trust in Tech, a podcast of Integrity Institute.

Yes, the title is a bit cheeky. (Should you trust in tech? What does that even mean? Tech workers? Tech platforms? Tech companies?)

Sidebar — some rejected titles included: CENSORSHIP (jk); Just Trust Us; All is Well In Moderation, All is (Not) Well in Moderation; We Care Too Much, Please Help; and my personal favorite: "A couple of integrity institute people talking about nuanced, hard, horrible things while also highlighting that there is hope and smart people who really care who are working on this stuff."

This is a pilot. The first episode was just launched: Alice interviewed Katie Harbath about her integrity journey, what people misunderstand about the work , and why we should all be scared of the 2024 global election wave.

Do you like it? Do you think it is good? Do you want more? Please send Alice and the team some positive feedback. You can do that by replying us on twitter or linkedin, or by sending warm wishes at our contact link. We will pass them along.

This is fun! And a great example of how things should work — bottoms up, member-powered, and sharing some key insight with the world.

About some industry news you’re probably following:

Look, it’s been a strange few weeks. Layoffs across the industry have directly impacted our members, and more layoffs in the near future might do so as well. Our job is to support them, and our entire constituency of integrity professionals, members or not. Here’s how you can help us meet the moment.

We're working on pulling together an internal list of resources for our members: job listings, access to recruiters, people open to coaching or 1-1 having conversations, whatever else. We’ve already gotten some great items from partner organizations and our members.

🔥 Can you add to this list? 🔥

We're also having group conversations internally of just ... people talking to each other. Venting, supporting, being human and showing up.

We'll do everything we can think of to support our members and our people. If you can add to this list of resources, please let us know: hit us up at our contact link.

Thank you.

Sahar, on behalf of all of us here at II — staff, members, and everyone who is both :-)


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