Trust in Tech, Episode 2: Global Threat Analysis with Zara Perumal

Welcome to the Trust in Tech podcast, a project by the Integrity Institute — a community driven think tank which advances the theory and practice of protecting the social internet, powered by our community of integrity professionals.

In this second episode, Integrity Institute members Alice Hunsberger and Zara Perumal talk about mis- and disinformation: how to recognize it and how to contextualize it, both individually and at scale.

We also talk about global risk analysis, the history of the social internet and what’s coming next, and the differences in styles and sophistication levels of disinformation agents and scammers.

Zara is the CTO of Overwatch, a startup which was created to address the market gap on global threats and their effects on digital spaces. She studied computer science at MIT then pursued a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence. She previously worked at Google where she worked on Google Assistant, Anti-Abuse Research, and at Google’s Threat Analysis Group whose mission was disrupting state sponsored hacking and disinformation.

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Trust in Tech is hosted by Alice Hunsberger, and produced by Talha Baig.
Edited by Alice Hunsberger.
Music by Zhao Shen. 
Special thanks to Sahar Massachi and Cassandra Marketos for their continued support, and to all the members of the Integrity Institute.



Trust in Tech, Episode 3: Founding Episode with Sahar Massachi & Jeff Allen


Trust in Tech, Episode 1: Elections with Katie Harbath