Trust in Tech
Trust in Tech is a podcast produced by Integrity Institute members, who are leading voices in the integrity field and bring years of technical expertise to tackling these problems. Each episode features members’ individual thoughts, analysis, and ideas about contemporary issues in the integrity space, either in conversation amongst themselves or with external interlocutors.
Subscribe on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, or listen to individual episodes below.
The Ultimate Guide to Election Integrity Part II
Elections matter, and history has demonstrated online platforms will find themselves grappling with these challenges whether they want to be or not. The two key questions facing online platforms now, as they stare down the tsunami of global elections heading their way, are: Have they initiated an internal elections integrity program? And if so, how do they ensure the best possible preparation to safeguard democracies globally?
The Integrity Institute launched an elections integrity best practices guide on “Defining and Achieving Success in Elections Integrity.” This latest guide extends the first and provides companies – large or small, established or new-on-the-block – concrete details as they fully implement an elections integrity program.
Today on the podcast, we talk to four contributors about this guide: Glenn Ellingson, Diane Chang, Swapneel Mehta, and Eric Davis.
Also listen to our first episode on election integrity!
Creeps, Consulting, and Creating Trust
Alice Hunsberger talks to Heather Grunkemeier again, this time covering Heather’s solution for dealing with creeps at Rover from a policy and operational lens, measuring trust, and what it’s been like for her to strike out on her own as a consultant.
Also check out our first episode with Heather, How to Find Your Place in Trust & Safety: A Story of Career Pivoting.
How to Find Your Place in Trust & Safety: A Story of Career Pivoting
Working in Trust & Safety can be difficult, and many in our field are struggling right now. This episode is dedicated to everyone who is looking for work, has been laid off, is trying to pivot their careers, or is feeling burned out and doesn’t know what to do next.
Alice Hunsberger talks to Heather Grunkemeier (former Program Owner of Trust & Safety at Rover, and current owner of consultancy firm Twinkle LLC) and discusses how Heather finally broke into the field of Trust & Safety after years of trying, what it was actually like for her, and what her advice is for other people in the midst of career pivots. We also touch on mental health, identity, self worth, and how working in Trust & Safety has unique challenges (and rewards).
The Future of AI Regulation with James Alexander
On today's episode, our host Talha Baig is joined by guest James Alexander to discuss all things AI liability. The episode begins with a discussion on liability legislation, as well as some of the unique situations that copyright law has created. Later in the episode, the conversation shifts to James's experience as the first member of Wikipedia's Trust and Safety team.
Should We Have Open-Sourced Llama 2?
On today's episode, our host Talha Baig is joined by guest David Harris, who has been writing about Llama since the initial leak. The two of them begin by discussing all things Llama, from the leak to the open-sourcing of Llama 2. Later in the episode, they dive deeper into policy ideas seeking to improve AI safety and ethics.
Happy Pride! Let’s talk about protecting the LGBTQ+ community online
What can companies do to support the LGBTQ+ community during this pride season, beyond slapping a rainbow logo on everything? Integrity Institute members Alex Leavitt and Alice Hunsberger discuss the state of LGBTQ+ safety online and off, how the queer community is unique and faces disproportionate risks, and what are some concrete actions that platforms should be taking.